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Didactic activities for developing reading comprehension skill in a technological environment

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dc.contributor.advisor Castillo Izquierdo, Hilda Rosa Morera Estrada, Armando A
dc.coverage.spatial 7004624 es_ES 2023-05-16T15:33:46Z 2023-05-16T15:33:46Z 2021
dc.description.abstract The reading comprehension of English as a foreign language in the training of English language teachers, and the integration of this skill with the rest of the language skills is of high value due to the need to train teachers capable of communicating competently and at the same time developing an adequate teaching-learning process in the English language in any teaching context in which they practice their profession. Through the diagnostic process carried out in reading comprehension in English as a foreign language with 4th year pedagogical students at Vladislav Volkov school, there were found some potentialities like those related to the introduction of different educative software, interest to finish their English studies and manage the English language. However, there were still deficiencies in reading comprehension found in the decoding of the messages, lack of motivation to this skill and teaching aids and the implication that it has in the rest of the linguistic skills. It was decided then to propose didactic activities for the development of reading comprehension skill in the English language in fourth year students characterized by being creative, place the students close to real life situations, vary in complexity, use at different moments of the learning process taking into account the levels of assimilation and the communicative approach as well as The Common European Framework of Reference. (CEFR). The activities might be used in other schools of the territory for their adaptability, flexibility, efficiency and enjoyability. es_ES
dc.language.iso es es_ES
dc.publisher Universidad de Sancti Spíritus José Martí Pérez es_ES
dc.rights Este documento es Propiedad Patrimonial de la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus ¨José Martí Pérez¨ El autor o autores conservan los derechos morales que como tal le son reconocidos por la Legislación vigente sobre Derecho de Autor. Los distintos Usuarios podrán copiar, distribuir, comunicar públicamente la obra y hacer obras derivadas; bajo las condiciones siguientes: 1.Reconocer y citar al autor original 2.No utilizar la obra con fines comerciales 3.No realizar modificación alguna a la obra 4.Compartir aquellos productos resultados del uso de la obra bajo la misma licencia de esta. Los Usuarios pueden reutilizar los metadatos en cualquier medio sin autorización previa, siempre que los propósitos de su utilización sean sin ánimo de lucro y se provea el Identificador OAI, un enlace al registro de metadatos original, o se haga referencia al repositorio de donde ha sido extraído es_ES
dc.subject Didactic activities es_ES
dc.subject Comprehension es_ES
dc.subject Language skills es_ES
dc.title Didactic activities for developing reading comprehension skill in a technological environment es_ES
dc.type Thesis es_ES
dc.description.status published es_ES
dc.type.thesis bachelor es_ES

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