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Using technology as a teaching tool to develop oral communicative competence in tenth grade students

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dc.contributor.advisor Castillo Izquierdo, Hilda Rosa Álvarez Vázquez, Orelbys Orencio
dc.coverage.spatial 7004624 es_ES 2019-11-12T16:23:59Z 2019-11-12T16:23:59Z 2019
dc.description.abstract The educational system in Cuba is facing some changes related to the senior high level students’ formation process , that main objective is related to better the Cuban socialist project .Then , professors have a great challenge too, because they have to prepare them to fulfill the objective stated. These students should have the necessary English language skills also they should have a great knowledge about the use of technology for the development of oral communicative competence in fact; they should have an appropriate technical level to face all the challenges of the contemporary world. The Major Paper is oriented to the elaboration of didactic activities that permit the integration of ICTs in the teaching learning process of oral communication in tenth grade students. The dialectic and materialist approach as the general method and some research methods were applied in the investigative process to confirm the real state of the development of oral communicative competence so as to evaluate the proposed didactic activities. The scientific novelty is seen on the proposals activities provided which are characterized by being creative, place the students close to real life situations, varies in complexity and can be applied on different moments of the teaching learning process in the senior high level. es_ES
dc.description.sponsorship Facultad de Ciencias Pedagógicas. Departamento Lenguas Extranjeras es_ES
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.publisher Universidad de Sancti Spíritus José Martí Pérez es_ES
dc.rights Este documento es Propiedad Patrimonial de la Universidad de Sancti Spíritus ¨José Martí Pérez¨ El autor o autores conservan los derechos morales que como tal le son reconocidos por la Legislación vigente sobre Derecho de Autor. Los distintos Usuarios podrán copiar, distribuir, comunicar públicamente la obra y hacer obras derivadas; bajo las condiciones siguientes: 1.Reconocer y citar al autor original 2.No utilizar la obra con fines comerciales 3.No realizar modificación alguna a la obra 4.Compartir aquellos productos resultados del uso de la obra bajo la misma licencia de esta. Los Usuarios pueden reutilizar los metadatos en cualquier medio sin autorización previa, siempre que los propósitos de su utilización sean sin ánimo de lucro y se provea el Identificador OAI, un enlace al registro de metadatos original, o se haga referencia al repositorio de donde ha sido extraído. es_ES
dc.subject Communicative Competence es_ES
dc.subject Using technology es_ES
dc.title Using technology as a teaching tool to develop oral communicative competence in tenth grade students es_ES
dc.type Thesis es_ES
dc.description.status non-published es_ES
dc.type.thesis bachelor es_ES

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